Georgian, Kazakh FMs Talk Trans-Caspian Route on Phone

In a phone conversation today, the Georgian Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani and his counterpart from Kazakhstan, Mukthar Tleuberdi, discussed deepening trade and economic ties between the two countries.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry reported that the two top diplomats focused on further developing cooperation on trans-Caspian international transportation.

The Georgian and Kazakh chief diplomats also discussed the long-term economic and political consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine on both regional and global scales, the Ministry said.

The phone conversation comes amid Kazakhstan’s efforts to redirect its export and transit cargo through alternative South Caucasus corridors as Russia faces international sanctions over its bloody invasion of Ukraine.

The Government of Kazakhstan announced on March 29 that work was already underway to redirect cargo traffic through the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route and the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia, which run through Azerbaijan and Georgia, bypassing Russia.

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