Kazakhstan Seeks Georgia Shipping Route to Bypass Russia

Kazakhstan is in works to redirect its export and transit cargo through alternative South Caucasus corridors as Russia faces international sanctions over its war against Ukraine.

“Now work is underway to redirect cargo traffic through the Trans-Caspian International Transborder Route and TRACECA, which runs through Azerbaijan and Georgia,” Kazakhstani Government’s press service noted on March 29.

During government meeting on March 29 Kazakhstan’s Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Kairbek Uskenbaev said within the frames of TTIR, also known as the Middle Corridor, an agreement was reached with Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to create a joint venture.

The agreement is set to establish uniform tariffs for domestic shippers.

The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, starting from Southeast Asia and China, runs through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, then Azerbaijan and Georgia and to further European countries.

Georgia’s Batumi and Poti Black Sea ports have been part of the regular feeder line of the route, while state-run Georgian Railway has been a regular member of the route’s coordinating committee.

Kazakhstan has also been in works to redirect its export and transit cargo to Latvian ports.

TTIR route. Photo: https://middlecorridor.com
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