New ‘Supreme Court’ Chair Elected in Abkhazia

Abkhaz lawmakers elected today Saida Butba, 38, as the new chairperson of the “supreme court” of the occupied region. 32 deputies voted in favor, two went against.

A month ago, on February 17, 2022, Butba was elected as the justice in the same “court.” Her term as the chairperson will end with the finish of her 10-year term as the judge.

Butba was trained in law in Adyghe and Kuban State Universities in Russia. Since 2009 she worked in various positions in Abkhazia.

In 2010-2020, Butba served as the head of legal department in the Abkhaz security service, while in 2020-2022 she worked as the deputy head of Aslan Bzhania’s administration.

Butba is married to Rash Tsvizhba, a recently dismissed ex-deputy “minister of interior,” who faces probe for the abuse of power over controversial brawl incident on Sokhumi promenade on September 30.

The position became vacant after previous chairperson Manana Delba filed resignation in the aftermath of the Sokhumi city court ruling illegal her dismissal of Jemal Gogia, the chief of staff of “the supreme court.”

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