U.S. Reiterates Support to Georgia, Ukraine Joining NATO

In its November 29 fact sheet, released ahead of NATO Foreign Ministerial in Riga, the Department of State said the United States continues to support the decision made at 2008 Bucharest Summit Declaration that Georgia and Ukraine will become members of the Alliance.

These countries’ Annual National Programs (ANP) detail their path to membership, the statement noted, adding that “already, both Georgia and Ukraine are members of the Enhanced Opportunities Partnership (EOP), which elevates their interoperability and training opportunities alongside NATO Allies.”

According to the statement, “NATO leaders are committed to NATO’s Open Door Policy, which provides a path to membership for any European country that shares our values and meets the necessary responsibilities and obligations.” “At the NATO Summit in June, we reaffirmed our unity on this.”

The U.S. Department of State also said “it is imperative NATO continue to ensure the credibility of Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty,” which allows the Parties, by unanimous agreement, to invite any other European nation to join the Treaty.

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