EU Unveils EUR 20 Bln Recovery, Reform Plan for Eastern Partners

The European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy outlined on July 2 a renewed agenda for recovery, resilience, and reform for the Eastern Partnership, that will be underpinned by a EUR 2.3 billion Economic and Investment plan in grants with a potential to mobilize up to EUR 17 million in public and private investments.

According to the EU, the agenda aims at increasing trade, growth, and jobs, investing in connectivity, strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, supporting the green and digital transitions, and promoting fair, gender-equal, and inclusive societies.

EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said “at the heart of our work will be promoting democracy, good governance and the rule of law, which are so crucial to unlock positive, concrete results in our cooperation.”

Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, who is set to visit Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan on July 6-9, noted that the new agenda “will support socioeconomic recovery after COVID-19 pandemic, strengthen economic relations and build trade routes between the EU and partner countries.” He said the plan will include country flagships tailored to specific country needs.

The new agenda also proposes a revision of the Eastern Partnership’s multilateral architecture to adjust the framework to the new priorities and make it fully fit for purpose, the EU statement stressed.

These proposals will be discussed with eastern partners, EU Member states, civil society and other key stakeholders in view of the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit in December 2021, it added.

The Eastern Partnership was launched in 2009 as a joint policy initiative to promote political association and economic integration between the European Union, its Member States and its six Eastern neighbors: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

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