Georgia, AFD Sign EUR 483 Mln Agreement

Georgia and the French Development Agency (AFD) have signed today an agreement for the 2021-2023 Cooperation program, which will provide about EUR 483 million through grants, loans, and technical assistance by 2024. 

The funds will be oriented towards four key areas – water resources management, irrigation, agriculture; urban development and connectivity; energy; social welfare, and health, according to a press release delivered by the French Embassy in Tbilisi.

The deal was signed by Finance Minister Lasha Kutsishvili and AFD Regional Director for Eurasia Cécile Couprie, with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili and French Ambassador Diégo Colas in attendance.

Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili elaborated that from the amount, EUR 33 million will be provided as a grant to the Georgian Government. “Since the Agency opened its regional office in 2017, our cooperation has strengthened,” the Georgian PM underscored.  

Meanwhile, AFD Regional Director for Eurasia on her part noted that the agreement witnesses “willingness to build a trustful and long-term partnership in support to fair and resilient transitions” in Georgia.

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