Gakharia Appoints Deputy Prime Ministers

Prime Minister (PM) Giorgi Gakharia announced on January 21 Government meeting that Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Maia Tskitishvili will serve as the First Deputy Prime Minister, and with Minister of Foreign Affairs David Zalkaliani becoming another Deputy PM.

The Prime Minister said the Government’s priorities of post-pandemic economic recovery, structural economic reform, de-occupation, deepening bilateral cooperation with strategic partners, and applying for European Union membership in 2024  – informed his selection of the deputies.

Maia Tskitishvili served as Head of the Government Chancellery in 2012-2014, after which she was appointed as Head of the Government Administration. Since March 2018 she has been the Minister of Regional Development, while also serving as Deputy PM following July of the same year.

Prior to becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2018, David Zalkaliani, a career diplomat, served as First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2012-2014. He was then appointed as Executive Director of the Levan Mikeladze Foundation, a nongovernmental public policy organization based in Tbilisi, occupying the post through 2015-2016. Zalkaliani was reappointed as First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2016.

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