Georgian Deputy FM, Geneva Talks Co-Chairs Meet in Tbilisi

On November 18, Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Lasha Darsalia met with co-chairs of Geneva International Discussions (GID) from the European Union, United Nations and OSCE, Toivo Klaar, Cihan Sultanoğlu and Rudolf Michalka, respectively.

The 50th round of the GID – the multilateral forum to address security and humanitarian consequences of the Russo-Georgian War of August 2008 – will be held on December 10-11.

The GIDs are co-chaired by representatives of OSCE, EU and UN, and involve participants from Georgia, Russia and the United States, as well as members of both the Georgian exiled administrations of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia and the two regions’ Russian-backed authorities, in their personal capacities. Sessions are held in two working groups, with the first group discussing peace and security matters, and the second – humanitarian concerns.

According to the Georgian Foreign Ministry, at the meeting ahead of the upcoming GID, the parties discussed the recent “provocative processes” along the line of occupation. The Deputy FM asked GID co-chairs “to spare no efforts for the immediate release of Georgian doctor Vazha Gaprindashvili, who has been sentenced to two-month pretrial custody for “illegally crossing the border” by the Russia-backed Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia authorities.

Lasha Darsalia also touched upon the death of Margo Martiashvili, who passed away after a delayed transfer to Tskhinvali hospital from Ikoti village of occupied Akhalgori Municipality in late October amid crossing point closure. Darsalia said, this incident “is a clear proof” of “grave humanitarian situation” and limited presence of emergency assistance in Tskhinvali.

He also noted that another woman from Akhalgori, Tamar Gigauri, was denied delivery to Tbilisi to treat injuries. According to Darsalia, following the crossing point closure, residents of Tskhinvali region are in isolation, endangering the lives of the local population.

At the meeting, the Deputy FM again mentioned “illegal and destructive” actions of the occupying forces around Chorchana village across the line of occupation, as well as spoke of security and humanitarian situation on the ground caused by illegal detentions and kidnappings, and erection of barbed wire fences and other artificial barriers.

Earlier yesterday, Lasha Darsalia met with the U.S. Representative to GID, Andrew Schofer as well.

Meanwhile, on November 19, the GID co-chairs held meetings in occupied Tskhinvali region as well. 

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