Foreign Ministry Concerned by ‘Mobilization of Military Equipment, Personnel’ near Occupation Line

Georgian Foreign Ministry shared concern “about mobilization of military equipment and personnel by the occupation forces” at the occupation line, close to the village Chorchana on the Tbilisi-controlled territory.

Protesting the erection of Georgian checkpoint, Russia-backed Tskhinvali authorities “disrupted” Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meeting in the village of Ergneti, south to the occupied region’s capital on Thursday. They put a condition to Tbilisi to remove the checkpoint by 6am of Friday morning, warning Tbilisi that failing to do so they will use “legal measures.”

According to the Foreign Ministry, “such destructive actions, as wells as the totally unacceptable statements of the leaders of the occupation regime represent yet another provocation, which further aggravates the security environment and aims at destabilization of the situation”.

It also noted that Georgia “fully complies with the undertaken commitments, firmly pursues the peaceful conflict resolution policy and uses all the available diplomatic instruments in order to reach deescalation of the situation and stopping the illegal processes”.

The Georgian side “continues to inform the international community about the developments on the ground” and works closely with the co-chairs of the Geneva International Discussions, the EUMM and the diplomatic corps accredited in Tbilisi.  

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