President Zurabishvili Visits Afghanistan

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili visited Afghanistan on February 8, meeting with the Georgian troops serving in the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan, and the Afghan leadership.

“I am proud of our Georgian soldiers who, shoulder to shoulder with the NATO coalition, contribute to international security in Afghanistan,” the President wrote on her Twitter page.

Zurabishvili thanked the Georgian servicemen for their contribution to global peace and security, and paid respects to the fallen soldiers, Presidential Administration reported.

32 Georgian soldiers died while serving in the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan. With its 870 troops, Georgia is the second largest contributor to the Resolute Support Mission (RSM). The Georgian troops, whose duties focus on security and rapid reaction force, are deployed in Kabul; at the Bagram Air Field, and Camp Marmal in Mazar-i-Sharif.

In Afghanistan, Zurabishvili met also with Commander of RSM and U.S. Forces−Afghanistan Gen. Austin Scott Miller. Zurabishvili discussed two countries’ cooperation with her Afghan counterpart, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani as well.

Salome Zurabishvili and Mohammad Ashraf Ghani. Photo:

During her visit, President Zurabishvili was accompanied by Defense Minister Levan Izoria, Chief of the General Staff, Major General Vladimer Chachibaia, Senior Representatives of Georgia to Afghanistan Col. Malkhaz Merlani, and Head of President’s Administration Lasha Zhvania.

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