Georgian, Estonian Speakers Meet, Discuss Parliamentary Cooperation

Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze, who is paying an official visit to Tallinn on December 17-19, met with his Estonian counterpart Eiki Nestor yesterday, discussing parliamentary relations between the two countries.

In a press statement after the meeting, President of the Estonian Parliament said ties between the two countries “are not only friendly, they are warm, friendly, the best ever they can be.”

Nestor also reiterated Estonia’s support for Georgia’s NATO and EU aspirations, and congratulated the country on electing the new President, as well as on the entry into force of the new constitution, which completes Georgia’s transition to the parliamentary system of governance.

According to the Riigikogu press office, Nestor stressed that parliamentary democracy is “the best system for government, as it takes into account different views,” and that for Georgia’s further democratic development the authorities have “to involve civil society organisations in discussions when carrying out important reforms.”

According to the Georgian Parliament’s press office, Irakli Kobakhidze thanked Estonia for supporting the country’s western aspirations. He also said the two speakers spoke on their countries’ foreign and domestic affairs.

In Tallinn, Kobakhidze also met with President Kersti Kaljulaid and participated in a discussion on Georgia’s foreign policy priorities at the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS). He will also meet with Prime Minister Jüri Ratas and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sven Mikser.
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