Q3’18 FDI USD 322.6 mln: Geostat

Foreign direct investment in Georgia reached USD 322.6 million in the third quarter of 2018, which is 48.2% decrease compared to the same period of last year, according to the preliminary data released by the State Statistics Office on December 10.

“The main reasons for decreasing the FDI are completed pipeline project, transferring of ownership in some companies from non-resident to resident units and reduction of liabilities to non-resident direct investors,” Geostat explained.

The manufacturing sector received the largest share of FDI – USD 56.5 million, followed by transport and communication – USD 54.5 million; energy sector – USD 46.3 million; real estate – USD 38.4 million; hotels and restaurants – USD 36 million; financial sector – USD 21.2 million; mining – USD 14.4 million; construction – USD 6.2 million; agriculture and fishing – USD 4.8 million; health and social work – USD 1.3 million.

Most of the FDI came from Netherlands – USD 49.7 million. USD 40.2 million, USD 33.1 million and USD 32.1 came from companies registered in South Korea, Azerbaijan and Turkey, respectively, followed by Panama – USD 27.7 million; the United States – USD 27.1 million; Russia – USD 18.5 million; Luxembourg – USD 16.7 million; France – USD 12.4 million, and the United Arab Emirates – USD 10.6 million.

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