Watchdogs: Voting Proceeds Peacefully; Presence of Party Activists at Polling Stations Problematic

Voting in Georgia’s presidential elections proceeds peacefully, but presence of party activists at polling stations is problematic, according to the preliminary assessments of two leading election watchdogs – the Transparency International Georgia and the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy.

TI Georgia, which has dispatched observers to 300 precincts across the country, issued a statement of preliminary findings at 2pm, reporting that the “absolute majority” of polling stations were opened on time, and that the voting process was being held “in largely peaceful environment.”

The organization, however, added that there were “50 minor and relatively serious” violations, with presence of party activists and coordinators outside polling stations being the biggest shortcoming. TI Georgia believes this “creates tense atmosphere.”

ISFED, which observes 800 polling stations across the country, echoed the assessments in its preliminary findings, saying the voting proceeds without major violations, but with several procedural violations documented at some polling stations.

The watchdog stressed “mobilization” of party activists and coordinators outside polling stations “raises particular concern.” It said the party representatives meet the voters as they enter the stations and record them in lists; in some cases, they also try to influence the voters, according to ISFED.

“This amounts to pressure on voters and control of their will, which endangers free expression of voters’ choice,” ISFED also noted, calling on the political parties and presidential candidates “exercising this practice,” to “immediately stop influencing the voters’ will.”

TI said it had filed four complaints about the voting process as of 1pm. ISFED said it had lodged 30 complaints as of 11am.

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