Merkel Travels to Occupation Line, Completes Georgia Visit

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was on a two-day visit to Georgia on August 23-24, traveled today to the occupation line near village Odzisi adjacent to Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia.

In a statement on August 24, the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) said, Merkel was shown physical barriers along the occupation line and “given examples of the negative consequences for local communities, particularly freedom of movement and livelihoods.”

Prior to visiting the occupation line, Merkel spoke of wide range of issues with the Georgian university students, and among them reiterated her wording of an earlier statement that what is happening in Georgia “is an injustice”, agreeing with the student who asked the question that it is an “occupation.”

On the second day of her visit, Angela Merkel also met with the representatives of the two parliamentary opposition parties – the United National Movement and the European Georgia, and discussed the country’s domestic and foreign affairs.

The German Chancellor traveled to Georgia as part of her South Caucasus trip. Today Angela Merkel will travel to Yerevan to meet the Armenian leaders. She will end her trip tomorrow, in Azerbaijan.

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