Imedi TV Off the Air

Imedi TV went off the air shortly after its anchor announced in the live broadcast that ‘police broke into the television.’

Education minister, Aleksander Lomaia, had declined to comment on the issue.

”The General Prosecutor’s Office will make a statement about it,” Aleksander Lomaia told reporters.

A spontaneous rally by several dozen of people, living in the neighborhood where Imedi TV’s office is located, gathered outside the television station chanting: ‘Imedi’ ‘Imedi.’

Imedi media holding, involving the television and radio station, is co-owned by the authorities’ rival tycoon, Badri Patarkatsishvili and the News Corporation.

Patarkatsishvili has recently handed over management rights of his shares into Imedi media holding to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. for a one-year term after he announced that was planning to finance the opposition’s campaign.

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