Azerbaijani Minister: South Caucasus Needs Demilitarization

The Russian news agency RIA Novosti quotes Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov as saying that the transfer of Russian military bases from Georgia to Armenia is not illegal.

?Bases will be transferred not to Armenia, but to the Russian military base deployed in Armenia and in terms of legality, there is no problem in this. However, we consider the issue this way – our region [South Caucasus] needs demilitarization rather than militarization. Hence, there is no need to keep troops and tanks here,? RIA Novosti quotes  Mamedyarov as saying.

He said that as soon as Moscow and Tbilisi finalize the agreement on the pullout of  Russian military bases from Georgia, ?we will analyze this issue and take relevant steps.?

Recently, official Baku sent a protest note to Moscow regarding the transfer of Russian military bases to Armenia.

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