U.S. State Department Urges Against “Crackdown on Democratic Dissent”

When asked about the GD’s retaliation against activists amidst concerns over waning international attention regarding Georgia, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller responded, “it is a troubling pattern of behavior by the Georgian Government that we would urge them to reverse.”

“Obviously, we would oppose any crackdown on democratic dissent. That’s the point that we have been making for some time. And it’s the point we have made about the passage of this law, and that it would be used to crack down on legitimate democratic dissent,” Spokesperson Miller added during the July 9 press briefing.

During the same press briefing, he also confirmed that “the review” of the U.S.-Georgia relations is “ongoing.”

Referring to the EU’s decision to freeze some aid and the accession process for Georgia, Miller said “I know that they have made clear, as we have made clear when it comes to our relationship with Georgia, that there would be consequences for Georgia’s democratic backsliding.”

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