Investigation Launched Into Hand Grenades Found Near Occupation Line

The Ministry of Internal Affairs launched an investigation into the fact of several hand grenades found on 20 August in Iri Village, Oni Municipality near the occupation line with Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia.

The investigation is being carried out under Article 236 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which envisages the illegal purchase, storage, carrying, sale, or otherwise handling of firearms, ammunition, explosives, or explosive devices.

Per the MIA, the hand grenades – similar to an F-1 type explosive – were found on two “illegally erected metal poles” and were promptly destroyed on the spot by personnel.

Davit Katsarava, leader of the “Strength in Unity” activist movement, was cited by Publika as saying they found the grenades while patroling Iri village and notified relevant agencies.

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