CSOs, TV Companies Slam Changes to Broadcasting Law

Private broadcasters and civil society organizations express concerns over the Public Broadcaster-related legislative proposal and urge President Giorgi Margvelashvili to veto the controversial amendments bill.

The proposal, sponsored by a group of thirteen ruling party lawmakers and approved by the Parliament on second reading last week, envisages further expansion of powers of the Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB).

More specifically:

The GPB management has argued that the amendments bill would make its work more efficient and increase its independence both financially and politically, while private broadcasters and civil society organizations have claimed that the amendments would harm private channels, and allow undue preferences to the Public Broadcaster. 

President Giorgi Margvelashvili met the private broadcasters and the GPB management on December 18, but it is yet unclear whether the President will veto the bill or not. President’s Political Secretary Pikria Chikhradze said yesterday that it was “important to support the Public Broadcaster, so that it provides objective information to the public, and at the same time, do everything possible not to harm the media pluralism in terms of the access to resources.”

Representatives of parliamentary opposition share the views of the private broadcasters, with MP Roman Gotsiridze of the United National Movement expressing hope that the President would veto the bill since it “hampers the development of free media in Georgia,” and MP Sergo Ratiani of the European Georgia stressing that the changes would “limit the advertising market for free media,” result into “corruption and protectionism in regards to the startups,” and “reduce the Board’s powers.”

The amendments met opposition within the ruling party as well, with the Parliaments sectoral economy and economic policy committee turning down the bill on December 11. The committee decision, however, was not upheld by the full chamber, which approved the bill on December 14 with 85 in favor and 6 against. 

The Parliament plans to put the amendments to its final vote in the course of the week.

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