Parliamentary Committees Finalize Initial Discussions on 2018 Draft State Budget

The parliamentary committees have finalized discussions on the initial draft of the 2018 state budget with final hearing held at the finance and budget committee on October 16.
The draft state budget was presented by Deputy Finance Minister Giorgi Kakauridze, who said that the new budget, envisaging increased funding for infrastructure projects, was elaborated based on the economic growth prospects. 
The initial draft of the 2018 state budget sets overall revenues at GEL 10.12 billion (GEL 9.48 billion in 2017) and expenditures at GEL 9.5 billion (GEL 9.12 billion in 2017).  
The government expects GEL 9.47 billion in tax revenues next year, up by GEL 650 million from this year’s figure. Revenues from grants will decrease by GEL 19 million and amount to GEL 265 million; “other revenues” will remain unchanged at GEL 385 million.
The government projects 4.5% economic growth next year. This year government’s forecast for economic growth stands at 4%; economy grew 4.7% in the second quarter of 2017.

Budgetary parameters in the initial draft are tentative and are expected to be revised in the process of discussions by the Parliament.

Breakdown of funding per ministry in the initial draft is as follows:

According to the initial draft, funding for the Parliament and the Government administrations is set at GEL 52 million and 16.5 million, respectively – same as this year; funding for the President’s administration will also remain unchanged at GEL 9.8 million and the President’s reserve fund will receive GEL 5 million, same as this year. Funding for the State Audit Service will also remain unchanged at GEL 14.5 million. The Government’s reserve fund will increase by GEL 10 million and amount to GEL 50 million.

Funding for the Central Election Commission will increase by GEL 7 million, narrowly exceeding GEL 67 million. More than GEL 40 million from the amount will be spent on conducting the presidential elections.
Funding for the judiciary will increase insignificantly: common courts will receive GEL 71.4 million (up by GEL 2.4 million compared to 2017); Supreme Court – GEL 8 million (up by GEL 300 000); Constitutional Court – GEL 4.15 million (up by GEL 40 000).

Funding for the Georgian Public Defender’s Office will also increase to GEL 5.5 million (up by GEL 700 000).

Funding for the Georgian Public Broadcaster will increase by almost GEL 5.7 million and reach GEL 52.1 million in 2018.
Funding for the Georgian Orthodox Church will remain unchanged at GEL 25 million.
Funding for regional administrations will also remain unchanged next year (GEL 6.12 million); transfers to cities and municipalities will increase by almost GEL 45 million and amount to GEL 720 million.

The Government submitted the initial draft of the 2018 state budget to the Parliament on September 29. The Parliament launched committee discussions on October 9. The parliamentary factions, the parliamentary majority and minority groups discussed the initial draft on October 12.

Opposition lawmakers slammed the draft budget for keeping the amounts of social allowances and pension provisions unchanged.

According to the budgetary code of Georgia, the Parliament has to present its remarks to the Government before October 23. The Government will then submit the revised draft to the legislature (no later than November 5).

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