Interior Minister: Abastumani Wildfire under Control

Forest fire near the town of Abastumani in southern Georgia has been brought under control, but the firefighting efforts will continue until it’s fully extinguished, the Interior Ministry said on August 31.

The firefighting operation started two days ago. Over 1000 firefighters and emergency workers were mobilized for the response efforts. Roads totaling six kilometers in length were cut through the forest, paving way for firefighters to the main fire sites.

Georgian (two helicpoters), Azerbaijani (one helicopter), Ukrainian (one plane) and Turkish (two helicpoters) aircraft dumped waters onto the affected areas.

Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili spoke on the intensified fires across the country at the Government’s session on August 31, saying the country should be adequately prepared to respond to disasters. 

“I think we need to update the equipment, we need to update the vehicle park, we need to make the the Crisis Council adequate for such challenges…  we need to take this into account in current and next years’ budgets, and to conduct systemic changes that will make our country much better prepared for the challenges of this kind,” said Kvirikashvili.

Giorgi Kvirikashvili added that the woodland needs to be restored and expressed hope that the whole society will take part in this “honorable pursuit.”

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