Georgian Foreign Minister Visits Brussels

Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze will participate in the meeting of foreign ministers of the countries involved in the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan on the sideline of NATO Foreign Ministerial on December 6-7.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry said that Janelidze will hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts, as well as with NATO’s new Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller.

Mikheil Janelidze already visited Brussels last week as a member of the delegation, which was led by Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili and which met NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on December 2.

“NATO will continue to support you in implementing those reforms and we will continue to provide both political support and practical support for Georgia,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

“NATO is of course concerned about the significant Russian military buildup in the Black Sea region especially in Crimea,” he said. “So, we are constantly assessing, constantly adapting to the security challenges we see in the Black Sea region and we appreciate very much the dialogue with Georgia on this and I expect that dialogue to also take place when the military committee meets in Georgia early next year.”

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