Georgian PM Visits Germany

Georgian PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili is starting a two-day visit to Berlin on Wednesday.

He will meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on June 15. During the visit he will also meet Bundestag President Norbert Lammert; Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier; Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka, according to the Georgian PM’s office.

A Georgian-German business forum is also planned during the visit of the PM, who will also speak at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Humboldt University.

The Georgian PM is accompanied by Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze; newly appointed Education Minister Alexandre Jejelava; Deputy Economy Minister Ketevan Bochorishvili; business ombudsman Giorgi Gakharia, and chairman of the parliamentary committee for foreign affairs, GDDG MP Tedo Japaridze.

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