2015 FDI USD 1.35 bln ? Preliminary Data

Foreign direct investment in 2015 stood at USD 1.35 billion, a 23.1% decline compared to previous year, according to preliminary data released by the state statistics office on Thursday.

FDI in the fourth quarter of 2015 declined 49.1% year-on-year to USD 268 million, according to preliminary figures.

Transport and communication sector received the largest share of FDI last year – USD 594 million, followed by financial sector – USD 191 million; construction – USD 129 million; manufacturing – USD 91 million; energy sector – USD 90 million; healthcare sector – USD 66 million;  hotels and restaurants – USD 61 million; real estate – USD 48 million; mining – USD 43 million; agriculture – USD 29 million.

Most of the FDI in 2015 came from Azerbaijan – USD 542 million, followed by companies registered in the UK, the Netherlands and Luxemburg with USD 198 million, USD 111 million and USD 87 million, respectively. There was USD 77 million foreign direct investment from Turkey, followed by China – USD 58 million; Russia – USD 49 million, and the United States – USD 35 million.

Preliminary FDI figures for previous year are usually revised, sometimes significantly, when the state statistics office, Geostat, releases final data in every August.

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